Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Riding a dirt bike can be compared to riding a bucking bronco. The thrill of that ride, riding through the whops using all the muscles in your body to hang on just as the wild horse tries to throw you off their back. Turning the corners on the trail can be compared to a bronco cutting corners fiercely left and right doing everything in their power to get you off at no matter what cost. Going through the strait a ways on the trails dirt bikes can pick up speed instantly, just as a bronco runs full speed as soon as the gates drop. Cowboys and dirt bike ride two different things but the reason why they ride them happens to be for the same reason and the reason consist to be their love for the sport. Riding through the trails you get the same feeling as making that 8 second ride.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

love for riding

I love riding my crf450r throw the woods, everything down to the smallest things. The first thing I love about riding; the smell of the exhaust fumes from my FMF Powerbomb exhaustwhen the bike first starts up. Another thing I love is hearing the engine whine out to top rpm throughout every gear. Riding my bike exists to be awesome. Just to feel the bike jump when riding in the whoops. The bike and I consist almost as one. Another smell that comes to mind when thinking of riding excises the smell of the fresh up rooted dirt when my bike cuts around brumes at top speed. I almost think that when riding the taste of the dirt is better after laying your bike into the soft sand. The crf450r has the smoothes ride when ripping up the trails throw out the woods of Central Florida. That’s why I love everything about riding my Honda Cfr450r.

Monday, April 19, 2010

pouring concert

There will be many reasons why you may need to pour concert. Some places to pour concert many a sidewalk or a pool deck or even a patio. the reasons why to pour concert will be endless, many you have your old concert cracked or maybe the old concert is discolored, lastly maybe there is no concert where you want to put the concert at. After pouring the concert there will be many things that the concert will do. One the concert will get hard, after the concert is poured it wioll always get hard and stay hard, the only way to remove the concert will be to break out the concert and pour new. the second thing that concert will always do, the concert will always crack. After the concert gets hard the foundation will wear away and the heavy concert and gravity pushing down causes the concert to crack. the last thing concert will do, concert will give you a good soild foundation to build on, so if you want so wear to build a house you will need to pour a slab for a foundation to start the build of your house.

Monday, April 12, 2010

electrionic fuel injection

Electronic fuel injection exists in the future for dirt bikes. Well today exists as the future. The big power sport companies such as Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, and Kawasaki have produced the 2010 dirt bikes with a fuel injection system instead of a carburetor maing the bike more dependable. The fuel injection system produces a better overall performance of the bikes. All the 2010 AMA racers will be racing these bikes to compete with the other racers. The best piece of this fuel injected motorcycle will be that the will be zero bog down of the motor making the bike handle more consistenly when racing making the rider hold top speeds though out the races. Having a bike with one of this new fuel injection system may help improve one’s riding capability. The fuel injection system also means fewer repairs. The fuel injection system will not clog up like the carburetor will with old gasoline. The future exists today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010



As I was riding my new dirt bike I was in astonishment. I couldn’t believe the power that my bike possessed. I owned the brand new 2010 Yz450f produced by Yamaha motors. The brand new bike much differs that than any other bike out on the market today. The Yz450f uses the first ever fuel injection system on a bike meaning there is no bog down to the motor. Riding this bike had me flabbergasted, I honestly did not think I bike was capable of performing the way the bike does. Riding throw the whoops was incredible, feeling no bog down on the motor. I was able to maintain speed throw out the whoops. I believe I could actually improve my riding skills with the way this motorcycle performs. The Yz450f will dominate all the competitors on the market today. Honestly the Yz450f will make the rider overly happy about their purchase.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

rmz-250 apparel

If you like dirt bike apparel check out this website.